Tuesday, August 12, 2008

Ways to Locate a Friend's Using a Reverse Phone Lookup

It's easy to find new friends though the Internet, but it might be a bit harder to look up older ones. This is because there are some that have no interest in being online, or only do so for work reasons. They may not be listed or found anywhere. That should not stop you, however, when you want to search for someone you used to know. Even an old phone number can be a clue that brings you closer to finding them.

Phone numbers, like people, come and go. Now that mobile numbers are in demand, more area codes are added to many places to keep up with that demand. That means people are changing numbers often, and also that people tend to have the need to own more than one number. Some have abandoned land line to use their cellular number exclusively, though that is a rather small percentage of the population today. If you have an old number, or even numbers for your friends, use them to search them out.

You can first try to go through the white page, or even the yellow pages, depending on the number that you have, to see if you can come up with a match. You can use the name of your friends in the forward searches, and you can use the old numbers that you have through the reverse search. When you do this, you can see if they come up at all, or if someone else has the number they once used for either landline or cellular phone service.

You can also see if you have any numbers for others who knew your friends. This can be a great way to reconnect through other sources. You can try to go to classmate matching sites to see if anyone is there. You can contact them through the site to see if they can tell you anything about your old friends. You may even find some of your old friend there, and that means your search is over.

What you may find to be the most helpful is something called a cell phone tracer. Cell numbers are notoriously had to trace as there are no official directories of these numbers. However, this type of reverse search may help you when you can not seem to find any information from any other source.

Mary is a bookworm that loves to write about technology and ethical issues. You can check out her latest tech project at http://www.FreeCellPhoneTracer.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Mary_Rosenburg




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